Categories: Program Management

How to Curb Micromanaging

We always want to see everyone bring out their best whenever we’re leading a project team.

We always want to see everyone bring out their best whenever we’re leading a project team. It can be tempting to check-in, check-up constantly, and request updates on what we’ve delegated to colleagues. This is called micromanaging, and it can actually be a big hindrance to group success. We’ll explore some ways to break out of these habits now and avoid them in the future.

Building Trust

Micromanagers often require the constant attention that they do because they mistrust the team that they’re assigned to. While periodically checking up on employee progress is good practice, asking for too many updates can read as though you’re questioning the team’s competence. To avoid this dilemma, lead with the confidence that those under you are intelligent and driven individuals. This way, you’ll find that you can trust everyone more, leading to better morale and more impressive results.


In pursuit of their goals, micromanagers are prone to letting “perfect” become the enemy of “good,” so to speak. Team members present finished work for constructive feedback, and they are met with too many criticisms, many of which are unhelpful. If a colleague shows you their progress and has done a good job overall, it will encourage them to know that you see their hard work. If you see some details that you personally disagree with, but they still serve the needs of the project, then it is best to either ask a respectful question to learn more about why things were done in such a way or leave them be entirely. 

Micromanaging Small Decisions

Completed projects are made up of hundreds of small decisions made every single day. Ideally, the finished project is much more than the sum of its parts. When a leader insists on micromanaging every decision, they tremendously slow up the timeline. In markets that move quicker and quicker every day, this is a big problem. Establishing a culture of accountability and trust will ensure that the team keeps a steady pace and makes sound decisions daily.

About Lewis-Price & Associates Inc.

Lewis-Price & Associates, Inc., is a fast-growing mission solutions company supporting federal agencies through premiere training, program management and IT services. Serving federal agencies across the government spectrum, from defense to civilian, we ensure the success of ongoing federal agency operations through effective curriculum development, professional coaching, program management, and administrative and technical services. Lewis-Price is committed to providing high quality, effective and on-time solutions to partners and customers through a team that values integrity, intention and excellence in everything we do. Learn about how we can bring our unique approach to success to your organization today at, and please follow us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.


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